PART #2 - What's This ? Things !

 What in your bag ?

Sumber gambar :


  • a hairbrush = Sisir
  • sunglasses = kacamata hitam
  • an umbrella = payung
  • an eraser = penghapus
  • a ruler = penggaris

Example : 

1. This is a book

2. This is an Apple

🖉 Using a + an 

an + vowel sound (a,i,u,e,o)

a + consonant soud (selain a,i,u,e,o)

🖉 Vocab 

  • Watebasket = keranjang sampah
  • I change my mind = Saya berubah Pikiran
  • Don't block my sight = Jangan menghalangi pandanganku

Difference beetwen This, These, That, Those ??

This --- Singular (tunggal)   ><     These Plural (jamak +1)

That --- Singular (tunggal)  ><     Those  Plural (jamak +1)

Example :

1. This is a black pen --- (pen only 1 it's black)

2. These are pens --- (pen more than 1 thing)


Sample Question - Answer

  • What is this ? - This is a phone
  • What are these ? They are magazines



  • Behind = di belakang
  • Beside = di samping
  • Next to = di samping
  • On = di atas
  • In = di dalam
  • Under = di bawah
  • In front of = di depan


Example :

1. The chair is behind the table

2. The wallet is on the notebook

3. The sunglasses are in front of the bag

4. The books are in the capboard

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